May Summary

Spring is here in the Lehigh Valley and everything is finally turning green. May is always the best month out of all because it’s my birthday month!

May 2012 I just learnt that I got admitted into Business school with almost full-scholarship and a Graduate Assistantship.

May 2013 I finished final, flew back to Taipei and started interviewing with many IT companies for internship. But I end up getting an offer from a US company based in IL. I flew back to the US, need to get a driver’s license/ learn how to drive, rent a car for the following 2 months and need to find an apartment in IL, somewhere I have never been to before. Fun stuff. 

May 2014 I graduated from MBA and moved from the Mid-West to the East. Rent a two bedroom apartment and started with no furniture. I started to work in an industry I have no experience of and work with some products that don't make sense to me even translate into mandarin.

May 2015 I've lived in Pennsylvania for a year now. I started to work in Finance which is a new function area to me. I have a group of friend by my side. I have the best roommate I can possibly find.. I made friends from all continents. I wok with a lot of smart people around the globe. I learned about other cultures more than I could have ever imaging. I practice golf twice a week and joint the company leagues to expend my social circle. I got to do small travels on weekends visiting friends and family. I am mindfully managing the money I made through balanced investment, thinking about future investment and savings. 

I am surrounded myself with people who have positive influence on me and really lift me up. I spend time doing things that make me happy. I watch less TV and I read more. I find these experiences in my early 20s just as valuable as the knowledge I acquired at school if not more. I would always want to remain intellectually challenged and able to tap into creative outletsI know it is going to be another great year for me! 

by A-Ca


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